
Orienteering: Great exercise and better thinking skills?

Translucent green compass on top of a map with the red magnetic needle pointing toward the north

Picture this: you’re with friends in an unfamiliar forest using only a map and a compass to guide you to an upcoming checkpoint. There are no cell phones or GPS gadgets to help, just good old brainpower fueled by a sense of adventure as you wind through leafy trees and dappled sunlight.

This is not an excursion to a campsite or a treasure hunt. It’s a navigation sport called orienteering — a fun way to get outside, exercise, and maybe even help fight cognitive decline, according to a 2023 study.

What is orienteering?

Orienteering combines map and compass reading with exercise. Competitors (“orienteers”) race against a clock to reach checkpoints in outdoor settings that can range from city parks to remote areas with mountains, lakes, rivers, or snowy fields.

“You can go out in a group or on your own. You get a very detailed map and navigate your way to checkpoints that record your time electronically,” says Clinton Morse, national communications manager with Orienteering USA, the national governing body for the sport in the United States.

Because orienteers are racing the clock, they might run on trails, hike up hills, or scramble around boulders. That’s for foot-orienteering events. There are also orienteering events with courses geared for mountain biking, cross-country skiing, or canoeing.

How might orienteering affect thinking skills?

A small 2023 study published online in PLoS One found a potential link between orienteering and sharp thinking skills.

Researchers asked 158 healthy people, ages 18 to 87, about their health, activities, navigation abilities, and memory. About half of the participants had varying levels of orienteering experience. The other participants were physically active but weren’t orienteers.

Compared with study participants who didn’t engage in orienteering, those who were orienteers reported

  • having better navigational processing skills (recognizing where objects were, and where participants were in relation to the objects)
  • having better navigational memory skills (recalling routes and landmarks).

The study was observational — that is, not a true experiment — and thus didn’t prove that orienteering boosted people’s thinking skills. But the link might be plausible.

“Aerobic exercise releases chemicals in the brain that foster the growth of new brain cells. And when you use a map and connect it to landmarks, you stimulate growth between brain cells,” says Dr. Andrew Budson, lecturer in neurology at Harvard Medical School and chief of cognitive and behavioral neurology at VA Boston Healthcare System.

Where can you find orienteering opportunities?

There are about 70 orienteering clubs across the United States, and many more around the world (the sport is extremely popular in Europe). To find an orienteering event in your area, use the club finder tool offered by Orienteering USA.

How can you get started with orienteering?

People of all ages and athletic levels can take part, because orienteering courses vary from local parks to wilderness experiences. Costs are about $7 to $10 per person for local events, or $25 to $40 per person for national events, plus any travel and lodging expenses.

To make orienteering easy at first, Morse suggests going with a group and taking things slowly on a short novice course. “You don’t have to race,” he says. “Some people do this recreationally to enjoy the challenge of completing a course at their own pace.”

The trickiest part is learning to read the map. Morse’s advice:

  • Turn the map as you change directions. Hold the map so that the direction you’re heading in is at the top of the page. For example, if the compass indicates that you’re heading south, turn the map upside down, so the south part is on top and easier to follow.
  • Create a mental image of what the map is telling you. If there’s a fence along a field on the map, build a picture of it in your mind so you can recognize it when you see it, even if you haven’t been there before.

Tips for safe and enjoyable orienteering events:

  • Dress appropriately. Wear comfortable clothes including long pants, good walking shoes, and a hat.
  • Lather up. You’ll be outside for at least an hour, and you’ll need sunblock and possibly tick and bug spray depending on the terrain. Preventing tick bites that can lead to Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses is important in many locations.
  • Bring some essentials. Pack water, a snack, sunblock, bug spray, and your phone. (Keep the phone turned off unless you need to call for help.)
  • Use good judgment. Know that the shortest route on the map won’t always be the best, since it might take you up a hill or through thick vegetation. It might be better to go around those areas.

Once you learn the basics of orienteering, you can make it more physically challenging (and a better workout) by going faster and trying to beat your previous times, or by signing up for a more advanced course that’s longer and requires more exertion and speed.

And no matter which event you take part in, enjoy the adventure. “You’re not just following a path, you’re solving puzzles while being immersed in nature,” Morse says. “It’s a great way to experience the outdoors.”

About the Author

photo of Heidi Godman

Heidi Godman, Executive Editor, Harvard Health Letter

Heidi Godman is the executive editor of the Harvard Health Letter. Before coming to the Health Letter, she was an award-winning television news anchor and medical reporter for 25 years. Heidi was named a journalism fellow … See Full Bio View all posts by Heidi Godman

About the Reviewer

photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Howard LeWine is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD


Mud runs: Dirty, challenging, next-level fun

A muddy woman, laughing, goes through mud run obstacle course as a woman leans forward to help; both have colorful stripes on cheeksRemember childhood summers when you climbed monkey bars, swung from ropes, and jumped over streams? Rain just added to the fun, leaving you soaked and muddy.

You can relive those adventures by signing up for a mud run. These outdoor team events focus on navigating through military-inspired obstacle courses and getting good and dirty in the process.

Tough Mudder and Spartan races are the most well-known mud races. But similar mud runs are available in most states. Some offer shorter distances and levels of difficulty. Others are designed just for women, kids, or families.

How do mud runs work?

Usually these events follow the same basic concept: participants traverse a course that covers anywhere from three to 10 miles (or longer), and tackle 10 to 25 obstacles.

While some mud races can be done solo, most are designed as team-oriented events. Teams are often coed and consist of five to 10 people. There is no time limit, but depending on the distance and number of obstacles, most teams complete the course in anywhere from less than an hour to three-plus hours.

The obstacles are challenging enough that most people need help — physically and emotionally — to navigate over, under, and across them. This is where a “we’re-all-in-this-together” comradery comes into play.

What sort of obstacles are featured in mud runs?

Common obstacles include

  • climbing over spider web-like cargo nets
  • scaling walls of various heights
  • swinging from ropes with handles
  • keeping your balance while walking across beams or logs
  • carrying logs or sandbags
  • slithering under barbed wire.

And then there’s all the mud. Be prepared to trudge through sticky mud pits, crawl through muddy tunnels, and shoot down mud-slick slides.

What are the health benefits of a mud run?

According to Dr. Aaron Baggish, founder of the Cardiovascular Performance Center at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital, the benefits of these events come from how they are constructed.

“Obstacle racing combines large-muscle, whole-body resistance exercises superimposed on a long-distance endurance race,” he says. “They are a snapshot of all-around conditioning, as you need strength, stamina, and mobility.”

Besides the physical benefits, mud races offer psychological challenges, and the emotional rewards, of conquering tasks that require planning, coordination, and strategy.

How can you prepare for a mud run?

Mud races require strenuous exercise, so discuss your safety and capabilities with your doctor before signing up for an event. While almost anyone of any age can participate in these events, they require a certain level of conditioning to complete and to reduce the risk of experiencing injury.

“Training for obstacle races incorporates many aspects of fitness and performance,” says Dr. Baggish. “So it’s best to prepare with a coach or trainer who understands the fundamental skills needed to complete these races.”

Whether or not you work with a trainer, you’ll want to focus on:

  • Aerobic fitness. While you won’t consistently run as you do in a traditional road race, such as a 5K or a half marathon, you do have to hustle from obstacle to obstacle. “Optimal training for such obstacle races involves a combination of steady-state aerobic base training like jogging or cycling, coupled with interval work that simulates the start-and-stop nature of competition,” says Dr. Baggish.
  • Grip strength. You will have to grab, hold, and pull yourself against gravity. Exercises that can help include pull-ups and farmer carries (where you hold dumbbells or kettlebells in each hand while you walk back and forth). Good form is essential during these exercises to help you avoid injury. Remember to start low when working with weights and go slow.
  • Plyometrics. Many obstacles require explosive jumps and quick movements. Exercises like box jumps, burpees, and jump squats can help replicate these moves.

How to stay safe in the mud

While being physically prepared can help reduce the risk of injury, you should take other precautions to stay safe. For instance:

  • Choose your race depending on level of fitness. Be sure you know what you’re getting into before you go.
  • Wear lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing. Avoid cotton, which gets heavy with mud and sweat.
  • Wear a headband, protective eyewear, or visor to keep mud out of the eyes.
  • Wear long shorts or pants that cover your knees to prevent scraping, or opt for knee pads.
  • Consider gloves to protect your hands and provide extra grip.
  • Cover your feet with petroleum jelly or an anti-chafing cream before putting on socks to protect wet feet from chafing and blisters.
  • Tie shoelaces tightly (but not so tight that they cut off circulation). Mud creates suction and you can quickly lose a shoe.
  • Pace yourself. Walk or take a break when needed.

Where can you find a mud run?

It depends on the level of challenge that you seek. Are you ready for a Tough Mudder or Spartan race? Looking for a family first mud run, or a Muddy Princess or Muddy Kids event?

These additional sites also can help you find mud races in your area:

  • Mud Run Finder (US)
  • Run Guides (Canada and the US)
  • Savage Race (US)

About the Author

photo of Matthew Solan

Matthew Solan, Executive Editor, Harvard Men's Health Watch

Matthew Solan is the executive editor of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. He previously served as executive editor for UCLA Health’s Healthy Years and as a contributor to Duke Medicine’s Health News and Weill Cornell Medical College’s … See Full Bio View all posts by Matthew Solan

About the Reviewer

photo of Howard E. LeWine, MD

Howard E. LeWine, MD, Chief Medical Editor, Harvard Health Publishing

Dr. Howard LeWine is a practicing internist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Chief Medical Editor at Harvard Health Publishing, and editor in chief of Harvard Men’s Health Watch. See Full Bio View all posts by Howard E. LeWine, MD


IBD and LGBTQ+: How it can affect sexual health

The rainbow-plus colors of the LGBTQIA flag shown as if the flag was wavingEveryone who lives with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) knows their illness has a major impact on daily life. Many people are diagnosed in their 20s or 30s, a time when we might hope for few health challenges.

Medications, and sometimes surgery, may be used to treat IBD. If you identify as LGBTQ+, you might wonder how all of this may affect you — your physical health, of course, but also your sexual health and pleasure. Below are a few things to understand and consider.

What is inflammatory bowel disease?

IBD is a condition that causes inflammation along the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The two main types are Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis:

  • Crohn's disease: inflammation can occur anywhere along the GI tract (from the mouth to the anus)
  • Ulcerative colitis: typically affects the large intestine (colon) only.

IBD can cause diarrhea, bloody stool, weight loss, and abdominal pain, and is typically diagnosed with blood and stool tests, imaging, and colonoscopy. A diagnosis of IBD may increase the risk of developing anxiety or depression, and can also have an impact on sexual health. People with IBD may require long-term medical treatment or surgery for their condition.

The starting point: Talking to your doctor

Talking to your medical team about IBD and sexual health may not be easy. This may depend on how comfortable you feel disclosing your LGBTQ+ identity with your health care providers. Ideally, you should feel comfortable discussing sexuality with your medical team, including what types of sexual partners and activities you participate in and how IBD may affect this part of your life.

Be aware that health care providers may not be able to address all LGBTQ+-specific concerns. Optimal care for people with IBD who identify as LGBTQ+ is not fully understood. However, this is an active area of research.

How might medicines for IBD affect sexual health?

Many effective IBD medications subdue the immune system to decrease inflammation. These immunosuppressive medicines may raise your risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea.

What you can do: Discuss these concerns with your doctor so you can take appropriate protective measures. This might include:

  • ensuring that your vaccinations, such as hepatitis B and HPV, are up to date.
  • engaging in sex using barrier protection to prevent STI transmission.
  • taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). This safe and effective medicine helps prevent the spread of HIV. Ask your primary care doctor or gastroenterologist if PrEP is appropriate for you.

How might surgery for IBD affect sexual health?

For some people with IBD, gut inflammation is severe enough to require surgery to remove part of the intestine. For example:

  • Abscesses or fistulas (abnormal connections between two body parts) sometimes form when someone has Crohn's disease around the anus. This may require surgical treatment.
  • Active inflammation in the rectum or anus may make sex painful, particularly for people who engage in anal receptive sex.
  • We don't yet know whether anal receptive sex is safe for people who have had surgery to remove the colon and create a J-pouch, which is formed from small intestine to create an internal pouch that enables normal bowel movements.

What you can do: Discuss your concerns with your gastroenterologist and colorectal surgeon.

If you engage in anal sex, you may be confused about whether it is safe to do so. While you may feel uncomfortable discussing this concern and others with your doctor, try to be as honest and open as you can. That way, you'll receive the best information on how to engage in safe and enjoyable sex after an IBD diagnosis or surgery.

What else to consider if you are transgender

People with IBD who are transgender may have additional concerns to address.

For example, there may be a risk for sexual side effects from gender-affirming surgery. These procedures may include vaginoplasty (surgical creation of a vagina) for transgender females, or phalloplasty (surgical creation of a penis) for transgender males. The safety of these procedures in people with IBD is not currently well understood.

What you can do: If you identify as transgender, ask your doctor if any gender-affirming surgeries you've had or medicines you take, such as hormones, might affect your IBD, recommended treatments, or sexual health.

If you're considering gender-affirming surgery, discuss your options with your medical team. Be aware that gender-affirming surgery may be more challenging, or may not be advisable, for people with complex or active IBD. It's important to discuss your specific risks with your doctor when pursuing gender-affirming care. Having access to a team of physicians, including a surgeon and a gastroenterologist, may improve outcomes.

The bottom line

Try to talk to your gastroenterologist about how your sexual practices and gender identity may affect — and be affected by — your IBD. A conversation like this may feel uncomfortable, but being candid about your symptoms and concerns will help you receive the best possible care.

Often, a multidisciplinary approach to care is helpful. Your health care providers, including your gastroenterologist and surgeon, may suggest seeing additional specialists.

Much remains unknown about sexual health and practices in LGBTQ+ people with IBD. While more research is needed, open communication on the impact of medications, surgery, and other aspects of living with IBD can do a lot to improve your quality of life.

About the Authors

photo of Andrew Eidelberg, MD

Andrew Eidelberg, MD, Contributor

Dr. Andrew Eidelberg is a third-year internal medicine resident at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. After graduating from the University of Miami and Weill Cornell Medical College, he decided to pursue a career in gastroenterology, specifically … See Full Bio View all posts by Andrew Eidelberg, MD photo of Loren Rabinowitz, MD

Loren Rabinowitz, MD, Contributor

Dr. Loren Rabinowitz is an instructor in medicine Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, and an attending physician in the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center at BIDMC. Her clinical research is focused on the … See Full Bio View all posts by Loren Rabinowitz, MD